Pyramids of Sound


Optimise your frequency through the power of SOUND

the most ancient method of healing

Sound Bath - A portal to awaken the music within

My ancestors believed that we were created in music. The dance of the DNA is the music within. We can connect to the cosmic rhythm by tuning into the frequency within which we were created.

The ancients believed that our children choose us when they decide to descend upon earth and into our arms.   That the children are from the future, and they are here to light our path so that we can discover ourselves & find our purpose so that we can live a truly abundant & fulfilled life and eventually find our way back home again.

And how true that is.  My daughter has just done that.

My awareness of our interconnectedness became further reinforced through discovering the healing power of sound when attending a sound healing meditation session during my travels to Ubud in Bali in 2019 - a loving birthday gift bestowed upon me by my beautiful daughter Celest.

Ubud is a mystical place. I was filled with awe and wonder & the presence of powerful vibrational energy was undeniable.

The sound healing experience reawakened my world within, and so my journey into sound and sound healing began.

I am grateful that I discovered yet another healing modality lovingly passed down by our ancestors.

The body, given the opportunity & the right tools, has the ability to heal itself.  Harmonizing the energy centres through sound vibration is certainly one of them.

It became my passion for further delving into the scientific data and the ancients' wisdom, and the healing power of sound as a means to create vibrational energy to heal our physical & emotional bodies.

The beat of the drum and the didgeridoo are two of the most ancient musical instruments dating back to over 40,000 years ago. Our ancestors trusted & used their inner wisdom as a means to work with vibrational frequency to shift energy and heal their people.

The experience has created a portal to bring my style of mediation to you through Sound Bath Immersions. 

“Pyramids of Sound” is ‘a call to awakening’ to the light within you.